Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas in Tempe

Hey y'all!

  So this week was pretty great. Let me just say I LOOOOVE Christmas. Like soooo much! It is the best! On Tuesday we got to go caroling with our districts for a couple hours and it was so much fun! We made some sugar cookies and we didn’t have any cookie cutters so we had to cut them all out by hand, but that made for a very fun assortment of Christmas shapes that our investigators loved ha-ha. We went around and sang to each of our investigators and it was fun to meet some of the Elder’s investigators. On one of the songs we starting singing and two lines in realized we were singing the melody to a different song and it just wasn’t working, it was super funny /awkward we quickly switched to cantos santos angeles since we knew that one pretty good ha-ha. Then Christmas day we were able to talk to our families!!! That was the best thing ever and I have been showing everyone a picture of you guys anytime anyone asks about it :) they love it. I can’t wait to talk to you again on mother’s day! :) Then we got together as a zone and played some games Christmas charades and I introduced a new game were one person stands in the middle of the circle and closes their eyes then everyone moves around. Then the person points to someone and says an animal like goat and that person they pointed to has to do that sound and the person in the middle has to try and guess who it was. If they guess right that person has to go in to the middle. It was hilarious! sooo much fun, we played for like an hour ha-ha. Then we played some basketball, had a gift exchange and made some gingerbread houses. Phoenix zone is the BEST! They are so fun it wasn’t Christmas with my family, but it was as close as it could get. It was the best. Then we went home to sleep in our totally awesome fort that we built. We read our bed time story Luke 2 and slept really well. Hermana Acosta got sick the next day though so we stayed in all day, but now she is better and we have gotten back to work! We had some really good progress with some of our investigators this week. One family we went over and we showed them a short Mormon message about the true meaning of Christmas. They had a little two year old who was giggling and making noise the whole time, but as soon as the little baby Jesus appeared on the screen he stopped and did a like a big gasp I can’t type the sound effect but it was sooooo cute! And then he started to clap his hands. It was super cute to see that even a little two year old can feel the spirit of Christ and recognize the importance of his birth. What a great week! What a great year! What a great life! I love being a missionary, I love being a member of this church, and I love being a daughter of god! I just can’t even express it! Gosh I just love it all! Ha-ha. Well love you all toooons! Thanks so much for all the cards and Christmas packages, you are the best! Keep writing, and I’ll talk to ya soon! :)

                con amor,
                  Hermana Savage 

Here is our Zone Christmas Eve making some Gingerbread houses :)

Best Christmas fort EVER!

Christmas Face time with the best family in the world!!!!! :)

We had dinner at our bishops house last night and they made us all stockings! so cute :)

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