Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25, 2014

So to start off I just love being a missionary! You're all probably sick of me saying that by now but it’s true, and you will just have to deal with it ha-ha. Every day something happens and I just sit back and think real quick... is this real life?! And it is and it’s the best! :) So I caught a lovely little pet on Monday... when I was going through my desk I was surprised to find a scorpion there waiting for me. But he didn't get me so no worries. We had a lot of really awesome lessons this week and we met a bunch of cool new people too. we had a lesson with the guys that we met last week working on their car (can’t remember if I told you about them) but they are super awesome! We had given them a Restoration pamphlet and told them to read it and we met them in the park on Wednesday for our first actual lesson and Arnulfo pretty much helped us teach Gerardo because he had read the whole thing and highlighted it and everything. It was a great lesson and Arnulfo even came to church yesterday!!! It was a miracle :) we also had a fun time teaching 11 kids that range from the age of 7 to 12.... All at the same time. It was crazy! So we showed up to our investigator Teresa’s house and the door open to pure chaos! Kids screaming and running all over the place. Playing video games and not paying any attention what so ever to their grandmother. Teresa was desperately trying to control the situation with little success. The first thing she said to us was "you were sent from heaven!" and she pleaded with us to help control her kids. it took a couple minutes, but in time we got all 11 kids sitting on the couch with the TV turned off, hands to themselves  ready to listen. We showed them a Mormon message video and talked to them about patience and love and being nice to their grandma. we made them each give Teresa a hug and she cried. It was nice to see how we were there right when she needed us, even though it was just something little for us to help them calm down it meant the world to Teresa and she kept calling us her little angels.

Kamile is doing amazing and she is so excited for her baptism this Saturday and the best part is this is just the first little step and next we are going to get this family to the temple to be sealed! they are a such an amazing family. First it started off with just kamile and her dad, and occasionally her older sister would be there. But this week out of nowhere her mom walked in and now she is in the picture and her other sister as well. We got the whole family now! They have been less active for a while now but they are ready to start coming back to church and Kamile is the one giving them the motivation and setting the example for all of them. She is amazing :) we are going to the visitor center with them this week and that will be super fun. This next week is going to be the best week yet and we are going to work so hard and  have soooooo many miracles so be ready for next week’s letter because it’s going to be pretty awesome!
my companion is pretty much amazing and it’s hard for me to remember sometimes that she’s only been in the field 2 weeks because she is on fire! She is so hard working and she is such a great teacher and her Spanish is awesome. I learn so much from her and we have a fun time together. we were driving home the other night and a guy pulled up next to us at the red light with his window rolled down, so I gave Hermana Jensen a card and rolled down her window and told her to give it to him, she happily did right as the light turned green. So the guy looked a little confused but he will probably check it out just out of curiosity ha-ha. We are going to make a list of creative ways to hand out cards this week. And we will let you know how that goes ha-ha. But know that I love you and I miss you and I can’t wait to see ya all! Have a great week!
Hermana Savage
Our new pet!

In the pitch dark trailer park spreading the word of God :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New Companion


    This week was super awesome!!! Super exhausting but really worth it. I don’t think I've ever worked so hard. We went up with Hermana Rogers and Haar on Monday to drop off Hermana Haar at the mission home since she ended her mission. I don't even want to imagine that day for me it's going to be soooo hard! We were in a trio with Hermana Rogers until Wednesday and it was really fun. On Tuesday we got to go with sister Lewis (the senior couple in our zone) to work out on the he reservation with her. It was a really neat experience. We met a member who made us some fresh Indian fry bread and it was so good! Then she sang us a song in her native language and it was beautiful I could have stayed there all day. I wish I had pictures to send but Hermana Hansen has them on her camera and she is now in south Phoenix... But I will get them to y'all sometime.

Wednesday we had transfers and I got my new compaÃera! Hermana Jensen from Indiana. She is amazing! I have never served around a sister more prepared then her. I'm excited to be her trainer I'm going to learn a lot from her. She's so excited about the work and has that greenie fire :) it's going to be a great transfer! We found a lot of new investigators this week and had a lot of progress with our investigators. We had a lesson with our investigator Teresa and we were planning on teaching the restoration but the spirit totally took over and took it a different direction, we talked about baptism and the cleansing power of the atonement and it was so powerful! I can't even describe how blessed I feel to be a part of this wonderful work and see how when we follow the guidance of the spirit we can truly touch the hearts of people. I love being a missionary. Just seeing the hope in someone's eyes when you tell them that those feelings of guilt and pain can be relieved through Christ is the most rewarding thing ever. We worked soooo hard this week but it really paid off and our area is really picking up.

We got to do service on Saturday morning!!! I looove to do service but sometimes it's really hard to find service opportunities. So we were super excited to get out there and do hard work in the hot Arizona heat. You should have seen the before and after of the brothers yard. There were about 20 people there helping out and it was fun to get to know new people. Everyone keeps asking me how long I've been out but I tend to kind of avoid the question... I hope this transfer is the best one yet and I think it might be after the week we had and miracles we were able to be a part of :) well I love you all toooons and I can't wait to see you all! Have a great week!

    Hermana savage

My new Companion! :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

what a week!

Oh wow what a week! so we had Zone meeting on Tuesday and it turned out awesome which was a bit of a miracle because Monday when we were talking with the Zone leaders we had really no idea what we were going to do, but luckily we received some revelation and the meeting went really well. We talked about the power of the spirit in conversion and how with the spirit magnifying our call we can do miracles for the lord in the mission field. It got everyone pumped up and we are excited to be focusing on the fundamentals and preach my gospel this month.
On Thursday I was able to go on an exchange with the wonderful Hermanita Rogers. SHE IS AMAZING! It was so fun to be with her and see how much she has grown in the past couple months since she started her mission. She is SO powerful and is becoming quiet the missionary! It makes me so happy to see how far she’s come even with the trails she’s been given. I was able to see two people that day that needed to hear the testimony that Hermana Rogers had. They needed HER! It made it so clear how the lord has people prepared for each and every one of us; people who need to hear our experiences and feel our love for the savior. I’m excited for Dallin to find those certain people who are waiting to hear specifically from him. You will find them! And those will be some of the most cherished moments of your mission!  I love being able to see how much everyone grows on a mission. It’s weird being one of the oldest in the mission now and seeing all the little greenies I once knew becoming powerful teachers and leaders in the field. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by some of the best missionaries in the world. Go Arizona Tempe Mission!!! :)
Saturday night a hermano in our ward gave us a bunch of bread and goodies that he got from the factory that he works at. seeing as it was clearly too much for us to eat alone we decided to go to one of our investigators to give it to her and her daughters who are going through a hard time since their dad left. When we showed up with a big bag for them they seemed pretty surprised, and very grateful. When she closed the door and we were walking away we heard through the door the girl loudly proclaim "BREAD!!!" it was super cute how excited she was about it. And it brought a smile to our faces.

So we got Transfer calls last night! Dun dun duuuuun! I get to stay in Gilbert but hermana Hansen is leaving me :( but I will get the great blessing to train another new missionary who will arrive straight from the MTC tomorrow! :) I couldn't think of a better way to end my last transfer. Working hard and helping this new Hermana have the best experience ever as she enters into the best 18 months of her life. I’m super excited, also a little nervous, but I know that the lords on my side, nothing can override, let the Holy Spirit guide! It will be a crazy 6 weeks but it will be the best 6 weeks yet! Love ya all toooooons! Thanks for all you do for me and for your examples and prayers, and support and for just being you! You’re the best! Have a great week! Talk to ya soon!
 Cone mucho amor,
  Hermana Savage 
We collected water bottles for 3 months to recycle... we only got a dollar fifty ha-ha

One of our investigators got a piano and wanted me to teach her daughters a little bit. it was suuuuuper out of tune but really fun :)

"I went in a corn field today, I went in a corn field" (shout out to tanner... ha-ha)
The Field is white all ready to harvest!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Hola! August 4, 2014


So this week we got to go on exchanges again and I was lucky enough to be with the amazing Sister Tanaka in our area. It was a fun exchange even though all of our appointments feel through... we met some really cool new people on the streets and it was fun to talk to new people and do a lot of finding all day. I taught her a little bit of Spanish and she taught me some Japanese! I am a child of god -- Soy un hijo de Dios Even if the language changes the meaning is still the same. We are children of God and he loves us more than we could ever imagine. It was pretty cool :) then we had MLC on Thursday and it was amazing! President Toones son was here and he is a full time teacher at the MTC so he gave some of the training and it was great. We really focused on teaching skills and how the spirit is the most important element in the work, and what we are doing to help others to come to know God. He taught a lot on inspired questions and it was amazing. We are excited to take it to our zone tomorrow for our meeting and help us all become better Christ like teachers as we rely on the spirit, and the fundamentals. As we come to know Him more, you come to love Him more, and you desire to become more like Him increases along with you desire to help others come to know Him. It’s amazing how we can always improve ourselves as missionaries and as people to come closer to Him and follow in His footsteps.
We found a lot of cool people this week as we went through the ward list to try and find people we haven't met yet. we found the Romero family and they are super cool and they were super excited to see us, they actually invited us to eat with them on Tuesday, we are excited to help them become active again :) we found another less active and she told us that she had gone to the Gilbert temple open house and when she was there she decided she wanted to start coming back to church so that she could go inside again one day. And then we showed up and invited her to church and she was so happy. She came yesterday for the first time in probably years :) the blessings are amazing as we follow the prophets council to reach out to rescue the fallen, those who once had a testimony and have drifted away or been forgotten. I love being able to work with the less active members and help them rekindle that testimony they once had and helping them feel the spirit and love that God has for them. I love being able to help others and having the great privilege to represent our savior and help others to come to know Him more. What have you done to help others to come to know Him? The joys and blessing of missionary work are meant for everyone! and I’m super excited for Dallin to enter the MTC on Wednesday, I’m grateful my mission president gave me the great opportunity to talk to Dallin for a little bit yesterday, and Dallin you are going to be such a powerful missionary!!!! I can’t wait for you to enter those doors on Wednesday because your whole life is going to change and the lord is going to open so many more doors in your life because of your decision to serve :) May we ALL choose to serve Him, know Him and love Him. Because He serves us, He blesses us, He comforts us, He lifts us, He cleans us, and He loves us enough that He gave His life for us. I hope that I can give my life to Him, just as He has given His life for me. Work hard, smile lots, change lives! :) talk to yall soon!
Hermana Savage
So we, Hermana Hansen and I, had a fun time on p-day painting Rocks for our whole Zone, and we did some for President and sister Toone to give to them at MLC :)